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Personal Documents
Notice of termination of an agreement of hire purchase/ lease / hypothecation
Notice of termination of an agreement of hire purchase/ lease / hypothecation
If you are one among those who own a car under a car loan and now want it to be foreclosed, then there are some do’s and don't you need to know before you set to…
Form for Interstate Car Registration in India
Interstate car registration form in India
As the name implies, Interstate car Registration refers to processes engaged in obtaining a new registration number for a car involving to two or more states, that is when a car that has already…
Complete details about RTI and RTI Application form; A game changer law to get information from your Government.
PMKVY – Government’s Skill Certification Scheme and PMKVY Registration
This article is about the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) and how an individual can register for the same. The PMKVY is a scheme launched by the Government of India in order to train its citizens and expand their skill sets in a…
Mygov app: Bringing Government and Citizens Together
This article is about an app called mygov app. The app was launched way back in 2014, and since then, it is gaining popularity among the citizens of India. The app was an initiative towards bringing the government and citizens together. The…
Digilocker CBSE: Leading towards Digital India
The article is about a service called ‘Digilocker’ that provides the facility for issuing digital documents to citizens. It also gives you the ability to store official and government-issued identities on the cloud for which it offers up to…
All about Education Loan
The article explains the concept of an Education Loan with a detailed briefing about the eligibility criteria and the application process of the same. It also explains the repayment process of the loan along with all the other important…
How to get Pollution under control certificate?
Pollution under Control Certificate or simply PUC is a Certification Mark issued to vehicles that pass the Pollution under Control Test
Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana
Introduction to the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana
The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) was brainstormed by the Department of Science and Technology of India (DST) in the year 1999. KVPY focuses on helping the!-->!-->!-->…
How to link aadhaar with PAN card in five easy steps
This article is about the way you can link your aadhar card with pan card. It has become mandatory to link your aadhar with pan card and if you fail to intimidate your aadhar card number, the permanent account number that has been allotted…
Important facts about NRI Account you need to know before signing up
An NRI account indicates the accounts opened by a Non-Resident Indian or a person of Indian Origin with a financial institution or a bank. The bank or financial institution must be authorized from Reserve Bank of India to offer opening of…
All you wanted to know about Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) is an initiative by the central government of India to ensure 'house for all' by the year 2022. The scheme comes with strong subsidy support for people who take a loan to purchase or built a house.
Medical Certificate for Leave
Article explains the need of medical certificate and the process of getting the medical form in the prescribed format.
Marriage Registration online
Article explains the steps for receiving the marriage certificate registration online and receiving the marriage certificate
Aadhaar correction online: Update Address, Name, Mobile No. easily
Article explains the steps required in the process of Aadhar correction and enrollment.
RTO Form 28, 29, 30 – Transfer of Ownership of A Motor Vehicle
Complete information on Notice of Transfer of Ownership of A Motor Vehicle in India. Download Form 29, 30 and read list of documents required for transfer of ownership
Detailed guide for Rent Receipts for HRA and Tax Saving
A rent receipt is a document that is used to keep a record of rent payments for a specific period of time. A landlord is the one under the liability of issuing it and it is in fact the right of the tenant to get it in exchange for the!-->…
Gift Deed Format
What is a Gift Deed and its format?
A gift is a written document describing the legal transfer of property from one person to another. The owner is called the donor and the one who receives the gift is called the done. Gift deed format…
Child Adoption in India and registration of adoption deed
“Child is the father of man!” ~ The Rainbow (William Wordsworth)
Child adoption in India
Childhood is the most cherished stage of our lives. So when certain kids who are unfortunate to savour the true essence of childhood can be taken up…
What is Domicile Certificate?
Knowing the basics of a Domicile Certificate:
A domicile certificate is a proof of residence certifying that you are a native of that place and that you are living there and calling it your home for a long time. Domicile Certificate is an…
How to get Gun license in India?
How to get Gun license in India?
Under the Arms Act, 1959, a gun license is issued to the civilians and is often considered a privilege when someone has a gun license.
The official formalities for procuring a gun license is done in 3…
Schemes launched by Modi Government
Modi Government has launched various schemes or yojana for the upliftment of people who are underprivileged, below poverty line (BPL), discriminated, or from economically weaker section and in general for larger population as well.
How to get Caste Certificate Online?
How to get Caste Certificate Online?
A Caste Certificate is the identification proof to show which caste one belongs to. This is especially for those people who belong to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Nomadic…
Form for applying Learning License
What is Learner’s License - Form 2?
Form for applying Learning License is the form of Learner’s License- Form 2 is a form which can be filled for candidates who are looking for a Driving License or Learner’s License or Addition of a New…