What is a DIN Number?

How to get DIN Number?


What is a Director Identification Number?

Director Identification Number (DIN) is a unique identification number given to an existing or a potential Director of any company which is incorporated. DIN number came into existence after the insertion of the section 266A & 266B of the Companies Act, 1956 (as amended vide Act No 23 of 2006).

How to apply for a DIN Number.

Step 1

The first step for any person who wants to apply for DIN is to produce the following documents required:

  1. Proof of Identity
    1. PAN card (Mandatory for an Indian Applicant)
    2. Passport (Mandatory for a foreign Applicant)
  2. The proof of identity should contain the following information:
    1. Applicant’s full name with Photograph
    2. Applicant’s Father’s Name
    3. Date of Birth
  3. Proof of Residence (Any one of the following documents is required)
    1. Passport
    2. Voter Identity Card
    3. Driving License
    4. Ration card
    5. Utility Bills i.e. Electricity Bill Telephone Bill
    6. Bank Account Statement. Note that if you are using Bank Statements, telephone and electricity bill as residence proof it should be in the applicant’s name and not older than one month.
  4. Photograph: One high resolution color passport size photograph of the applicant will be required and the photograph should be in JPEG format.
  5. Other details required are e-mail ID, Mobile Number of applicant, Educational Qualification and Present Occupation.

Step 2:

Filling of e-forms: After providing the above documents, the next step is the filling of necessary e-forms which are:

  • SPICe Form: Any person who does not have a DIN but intends to become a first director, in a new company will have to make an application through the e-Form SPICe. Along with the application, the applicant is required to attach the proof of Identity and address. DIN would be allocated to user only after approval of the form. Note that, Application in this scenario must be made in SPICe form only. Click here to download the e-form.
  • DIR-3 Form: When the application is for any person who intends to become a director in an already existing company, application must be made in the form e-DIR-3. Click here to download the e-Form.

Step 3:

After filling the necessary e-forms, the applicant is expected to attach his/her photograph and scanned copy of proof of identity and proof of residence according to the stipulated guidelines. It is very important for you to note that physical documents (hard copies) are not required to be submitted at DIN cell.

Step 4:

The next step is that e-form DIR-3 is mandatory to be signed by the Applicant and must be verified digitally by either the Company’s Secretary or by the Managing Director or CEO of the existing company in which the applicant is intending to be appointed as a director.

Step 5:

The next step is that the applicant is required to register on the MCA21 Portal to obtain Login ID. To register on the portal click here. After registration proceed to make the payment of filing fee of e-Form DIR-3. Only electronic payment of the fees is allowed (i.e. Net banking / Credit Card/Debit Card/Pay later/ NeFT). <> After you are done with that login to the MCA21 portal and then click on ‘e-Form upload’ link which is available under the ‘e-Forms’ tab for uploading the e-Form DIR- 3. Note that the e-Form DIR-3 will only be processed after the DIN application fee is paid.

Step 6:

After uploading the necessary e-forms and fee payment is successful. Note that in a situation whereby the e-Form DIR-3 details have not been identified as potential duplicate, Approved Director Identification Number(DIN) will be generated and if the details have been identified as potential duplicate a provisional DIN will be generated instead.

Step 7:

The next and final step is the verification of the e-Form DIR-3. In a case whereby the details of the e-Form DIR-3 are found as potential duplicate, it will be directed to Direct Identification Number (DIN) Cell for back office processing. After approval of the form the provisional DIN initially given will become the approved DIN.

Apply DIN: Click Here