Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana

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Introduction to the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana

The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) was brainstormed by the Department of Science and Technology of India (DST) in the year 1999. KVPY focuses on helping the deserving students to achieve and realize their talent, which is handpicked and the scientific best and ensure that this budding scientific talent is groomed for the well-being and development of the country. The second motive of the exam is to motivate and encourage the students to pursue a research-based career in Science.

The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India has channeled the responsibility for conducting the exam and the smooth running of the KVPY Program to the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISC).

The students who are selected in the exams are given a generous stipend and contingency grant up to a pre- PH.D level or 5 years, whichever one is the lesser. Besides, the KVPY fellows have the prestigious privilege to join the camps organised by IISC and several other research and educational institutions in the summer.

Let us now discuss in detail the steps for registration for KVPY.

Candidates who are willing to apply for the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana 2020 (KYP) must keep in mind that the tentative last date of online form submission is on 11th Aug. For the candidates who are willing to participate in the exam, are requested to go through this article for more details of the exam and the procedures related to it.

KVPY 2020 Application Process:

The steps for the registration for KVPY can be divided into four major steps:

Step 1: Registration

  • You need to the official website of KVPY. Click here to visit.
  • Then you need to click on the section “Registration and Applications”
  • Refer to the image below for further clarification:

The candidates will then be directed to a different web page, wherein after reading all the instructions, you need to click on the confirmation checkbox and  hit on “register” Refer to the image below for further details:

After filling up the form, the candidates will receive, a User ID and Password on the registered mobile and you need to keep the ID and Password for all future reference.

Step 2: Filling the Application Form

  • The candidates need to log-in with the “User Id” and “Password”.
  • The candidates are then required to enter their personal details, examination center preference, and location
  • You need to upload the scanned copies of the photograph, disability certificate if any. Caste Certificate, if applicable.

Step 3: Fee Details

  • You need to re-enter the site with the “User-ID” and “Password”.
  • Next, you need to select the payment option from Credit/Debit Card/Net Banking/Challan.
  • The fees for the General/OBC category is 1055/- (KVAT included)
  • The fees for SC/ST/PWD category is 528/- (KVAT included)
  • After finishing the payment with your selected option you need to select the “Submit” option
  • Check the status of the application by re-logging in with your “User Id” and “Password” after 2 days.

Step 4: Checking for Admit Card

  • The Admit Card is available for download from the web page of KVYP from the end of October
  • Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana Admit Cards will be available online only for students who have submitted their forms online till August 31.
  • Any discrepancy or dispute with the Admit Cards should immediately be reported to:
    The Convener
    Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY)
    Indian Institute of Science 
    Bangalore – 560 012

The Results of the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana:

  • Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana 2018 results are generally declared in the first week of December.
  • The result of Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana is declared in a PDF format, wherein it will mention the roll number, application number, name, and rank of the candidates who have qualified for the KVPY.
  • The interview will take place in the month of January 2020.
  • The final merit list will be prepared by collaborating on the scores of the aptitude test and the interview.
  • Candidates do please note the results of the KVPY once declared cannot be reviewed or reconsidered under any circumstances.

Syllabus of Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana:

  • Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana Syllabus, as declared by IISC, Bangalore will have objective questions from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology, and all the questions would be of the objective pattern.
  • As of now, the exam would be for the SA, SX, and SB Streams. The students can choose between English and Hindi mediums to write the answers.
  • There is no underlined syllabus for KVPY. Students can stress upon the syllabi of Class XI, XII, and B.SC First Year for better results.
  • The aptitude test question paper would be a multiple choice question paper of 100 marks.
  • It is compulsory for the students to attempt all questions in Stream SA. There is an option to attempt any three sections in PART I and any two sections in PART II if attempting Stream SB/SX.

Preparations for KVPY: Mock Tests

The authorities of KVPY release the mock test sample papers for all aspiring candidates willing to contest for the KVPY exam. These mock exams are excellent tools for the aspirants. The toppers have a history of practicing these papers regularly.

Given below are the benefits of practicing these papers regularly:

  • They help you in gauging your strengths and weaknesses. Thereby you can prepare strategies for better ways of cracking the exams.
  • They are a hands-on source in a better understanding of the KVPY exam pattern and the syllabus.
  • Candidates who practice the mock papers frequently are more prone to know the frequently asked questions and carve out the strong and the weak areas of the preparation.
  • By regular practice, candidates can get hands-on knowledge of the most frequent topics and therefore can boost their confidence about the upcoming exams.
  • The students need to follow the simple steps. You need to click the link on the KVPY homepage. A PDF file would open and all you need to do is to download the practice papers.

KVPY Application Help Desk:

If the students have any queries regarding the KVPY 2018 application form, they can call on 080 – 22932975/76, 080- 23601008 & 080 – 22933536. Alternatively, they can also email at [email protected]