How to get Pollution under control certificate?

Steps to have a Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate

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What is Pollution under Control Certificate?

Pollution under Control Certificate or simply PUC is a Certification Mark issued to vehicles that pass the Pollution under Control Test, In other words vehicles that meet the emission and pollution control standards are granted PUC certificate. According to the Central Motor Vehicle Rule, 1989 it is mandatory for all vehicles to undertake the pollution under control test and obtain the certificate. The essence of the certification is to indicate that the emissions coming from the vehicle does not exceed the standard pollution norms which means that the vehicle does not in any way contribute to pollution beyond specified limits. According to the Central Motor Vehicle Rule all vehicles on Indian roads are expected to carry a valid PUC certificate. For a newly purchased vehicle, the validity of the PUC Certificate issued is for 1 year. After the expiration of this period it is expected that the vehicle should undergo another PUC test and obtain the PUC Certificate. The fee charged for undertaking the PUC test is based on the vehicle and its fuel type and the fee ranges between Rs.60 and Rs.100.

The PUC Certificate includes the following details: The serial number of the PUC certificate, the license plate number for your vehicle, the date when the PUC test was conducted, the PUC Certificate’s expiry date and the PUC emission reading.

How to Register for PUC Certificate?

To get your PUC Certificate, the first step is to walk into any authorized PUC centers in India where a PUC test can be conducted on the vehicle. It is very important to note that it is until after the test has been conducted and the vehicle does not exceed the permitted emission limits that a PUC certificate can be issued. For more information on the emission limits click here. Here’s the registration procedures:

For Diesel vehicles:

  1. The first step is to press the accelerator of the vehicle fully.
  2. The second step is to read the pollution levels and this readings should be noted with the acceleration pedal fully pressed.
  3. Before the final reading is gotten, repeat the previous step to take at 5 readings. Calculating the average gives the final reading.

For Petrol vehicles:

  1. The vehicle is kept idling without the accelerator pressed.
  2. Only one reading is taken.

After undertaking the test and in a situation whereby the vehicle shows higher level of emissions (pollution) than the prescribed limits under Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 the registration number of such vehicles should be informed to RTO.

According to the Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989 Rule 115: all drivers are to make sure they must have the PUC Certificate in the vehicle at all times so that when asked by any officer and it must be produced immediately. According Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989, <> for a new car the validity of PUC for such a car is 1 year beginning from the date of registration. Therefore, PUC tests must be done every 6 months.

PUC centers will then issue the PUC certificate for your vehicle which needs to be prominently displayed on the vehicle.