Registration Abroad by NRIs in the Electoral Rolls for voting


Registration Abroad by NRIs in the Electoral Rolls for voting

Casting a vote is everyone’s fundamental right which cannot be overlooked. However, it is sometimes difficult for a certain groups of people to cast their votes, for example, in case of the voters who are present in the armed forces, or the voters who belong to the clan of Non-Resident Indians(NRIs). Registration Abroad is difficult for them to exercise their voting rights because they are not always physically present at the location where the election procedure is occurring. However, the ministry has decided on a few rules and regulations to make sure that every Indian is in the loop, for example, the voters in the armed forces are given the privilege to select even a permanent proxy voter who will be able to cast the vote on their behalf. We will be discussing further the procedures which the election commission of India has decided for the NRIs.

The emergence of Form 6A: engaging the NRIs in the Electoral Rolls

According to resources, with the current amendment in the Representation of the People Act, the NRIs will be allowed to get into the loop for their participation in the electoral rolls. The reports state that the NRIs who are currently outside India due to responsibilities which include educational, service, or other responsibilities, they are supposed to get their names registered in the electoral rolls, provided they have already not acquired the citizenship of any other country. <> In the latter case, their applications will not be considered.

Considering the results after the registration, it will be correct to state that the NRIs will be able to cast their votes in the election, and he or she will do the same through the e-ballots which will be present at the place in which he or she is residing outside India for the time period. Form 6A will be highly effective in this case, as the NRIs need to enroll themselves mentioning the purposes in this particular form. They need to fill up form 6A online, with the copies of all the necessary documents required, apart from this, they also require to present an application to the Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency, and within this, the place of his or her permanent residence in India should also be present.

The formalities related to this procedure should be performed with utmost care. The applicant will be receiving confirmation from the Electoral Registration Officer after his or her name has been enrolled in the Electoral Rolls. It has also been reported that the physical presence of the applicant is not mandatory. The decision to verify will be duly taken by the Electoral Registration Officer, and the officials have revealed that this entire action will help more than 60% of the NRIs to cast their votes because they are believed to fall under the credentials to cast a vote but due to certain obstacles, they are unable to do the same. This fantastic action will be creating a landmark in history which will ease the communication.

Form 6A: